This is my new weblog. It's the first time I've tried writing one so I hope it turns out OK. If you want to keep up to date with my adventures, make sure you subscribe to the RSS feed by clicking on the link on the left. Also on the left are links to lots of photos of my friends. Make sure you look at some of them when you've finished reading my blog.
My Weblog
A very sad day
Tommy died just before midnight on Monday 12th January 2009. He hadn't been well for several days and on Monday evening he failed to splosh on the dining room floor next to his parents as they were having dinner. This had been a ritual of Tommy's for a long time and his parents expected the worst when he went into the workshop that evening and didn't want to come out.
Just before midnight, with his last ounce of strength, Tommy tried to reach the bedroom to say goodbye. He collapsed and died just outside the open door, in the arms of his mother.
He was buried in a plot in the side yard on Tuesday evening.
Tommy will be sadly missed by his parents and all his friends.
Here is a photo of Tommy the way he'd like to be remembered - hale and hearty and full of life in his favourite pot on the verandah.
Falling over
I am a bit wobbly on my feet these days, but it wasn't me that fell over yesterday afternoon. Two large branches from one of my favourite trees in the front yard fell over. You can see from the photo that one of the branches hit the outside garage, but fortunately didn't seem to do any damage. They fell down just as Dad was about to go outside and cut down a much smaller tree that had died some time ago. If he'd gone out of the house 30 seconds earlier he might have been squashed!
I'm feeling my age
I've lost a lot of weight over the last few months and I'm looking very thin. I find it hard to eat solid food now, but I still enjoy slurping up I/D or M/D that has been mashed up with water. My V-E-T told Mum and Dad that quality of life was better than quantity so they are doing everything to keep me happy. I still go for an occasional walk outside, but most of the time I snooze inside. The cool floor in the laundry is my favourite place at the moment for sleeping. My other favourite place is on the little brown mat in the kitchen next to the fridge. I'm not so senile that I've forgotten where the food comes from!
Water and Electrolytes
Lots of excitement during the week! I had my bood sugar tested on Monday and the reading was 13.5 which was OK, but on Wednesday for some reason I was very dehydrated and my personal physician decided I needed to stay in hospital overnight and have an intravenous drip of water and electrolytes. It was attached to my left foreleg and was very uncomfortable. I went home again on Thursday afternoon and had another checkup on Saturday morning, when my blood sugar reading was 10.
I was insulted once during my stay in hospital when one of the nurses referred to me as a "geriatric pussycat". I'm only 15 after all. One good thing is that because of my advanced age I was told I can eat whenever I like as long as I eat the right food. Actually, I only eat one kind of food and that's M/D (wet not dry).
More trips to you-know-where
I've been to the V-E-T three times since my dramatically low blood glucose level. The first time the reading was 16.5, then 19.5, then 13.5. I've just started using a new type of insulin called Caninsulin which is only 40% of the strength of what I was using previously.
I have to go back again in two weeks to be tested again and hopefully that will be it for a long while. I don't enjoy it at all!
Watermelon Wal
Wally dropped in this morning to chomp on some watermelon. Have a look at some earlier photos of Wally.
Panic Stations
Last Monday wasn't a good day. My blood sugar got so low I couldn't control my back legs. Mum found me in the main bedroom upstairs and rushed me to the V-E-T at lunchtime and for once I didn't complain. My blood sugar reading was 1.9 and I was given some glucose solution to raise it. I did complain about that! I came back home in the evening and I have to stay off my insulin for a week.
New Design
Welcome to my newly designed website. This one uses the Franchise design by Sandvox Web Designs that I modified to suit my favourite colour - grey of course!
The old design used the Imagine Sandvox design.
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This blog replaces the old page called Latest News, which is still available if you want to click on it.